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Learner-centred and Competency-based Approaches

  Certified      5  hour(s)      48 enrollment(s)      25 lecture(s)      2 quizz(es)      622 view(s)   
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Learner-centred and Competency-based Approaches
Course Description

This course, Learned-centred and Competency-based Approaches, equips educators with the important skills and knowledge necessary to implement learner-centred and competency-based teaching strategies effectively. Through understanding the key considerations and practical applications, educators will be able to design engaging and organized lessons tailored to their students’ needs. The course comprises the following modules: 

Module 1. Learner-centred Approach and Practical Strategies for Implementing Learner-Centred Approach in Myanmar Classrooms 

1.1. Principles of the learner-centred approach

1.2. Creating a learner-centred environment in Myanmar classrooms

1.3. Designing learner-centred lessons 

1.4. Assessment as part of the learner-centred approach

Module 2. Competency-based Approach to Teaching

2.1. Introduction and principles of competency-based education

2.2. Aligning competencies with learning outcomes

Key terms

Learner-centred; competency-based education (CBE); learning outcomes; competencies

Course Objectives

The key objective of this course is to equip you with the relevant skills and understanding to rationally implement learner-centred and competency-based teaching strategies, which will enable you to develop engaging lessons tailored to the learners’ needs.

Learning Outcomes

By the end of this course, teachers will be able to

  • Compare and contrast learner and teacher-centred approaches;
  • Apply learner-centred principles when thinking about classroom layout design and classroom management;
  • Design learner-centred learning objectives for an ICT skills class;
  • Understand how learner-centred principles are reflected during assessment;
  • Identify the key features and benefits of the competency-based approach; and
  • Develop learner competencies in Myanmar classrooms for a project-based learning scenario.

Assessment and Certification

In order to get the certification, you need to finish all the course work, quizzes and final assessment.

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