E-library contains over 200 free resources for teachers. In our E-Library you will find videos, e-books, articles, posters and much much more to help you develop your teaching skills and create engaging activities for your students. Learn More
The E-learning platform offers over 50 free courses to support Myanmar teachers on their professional development journey. Courses are available online and can also be downloaded to use offline. Certificates are available to all teachers who complete a course on the E-learning platform. Learn More
News & Events
Our news and events
Invitation to the Education Webinar 8
UNESCO Myanmar, 29 Aug 2024A webinar on “Managing Challenging Behaviours in the Non-formal Education Settings” will be hosted on the 7th of September, 2024 (Saturday). To participate in this learning event, please register using the following link: https://tinyurl.com/bp7czvjp Note: This webinar is organized for beginning teachers who have received little proper training for their professional development. Learn More
Invitation to the Education Webinar 7
UNESCO Myanmar, 15 Aug 2024A webinar on “Conflict Sensitive Education” will be hosted on the 24th of August, 2024 (Saturday). To participate in this learning event, please register using the following link: https://tinyurl.com/5rwdv5vu Note: This webinar is organized for beginning teachers who have received little proper training for their professional development. Learn More
Curriculum and Pedagogy
ICT Integration for Lesson Planning-English Version
UNESCO Myanmar, Oct 14, 2022The new pre-service teacher education curriculum is designed to make best use of ICT across all subjects and hence Non-ICT teacher educators in Education Learn More
ICT Integration for Lesson Planning-Myanmar Version
UNESCO Myanmar, Sept 28, 2022The new pre-service teacher education curriculum is designed to make best use of ICT across all subjects and hence Non-ICT teacher educators in Education Learn More
EDC Year 1 Local Curriculum Syllabus-Myanmar version
UNESCO Admin, Sept 05, 2022Regional curriculum subjects are part of the College of Education curriculum. This subject is included in Myanmar's basic education curriculum with the aim of preparing and training the subjects inclu... Learn More
Teacher Competency Standards Framework (TCSF)-Myanmar version
UNESCO Admin, Jul 25, 2022This document, Myanmar’s Teacher Competency Standards Framework (TCSF), describes what are considered the key attributes of good teaching and what is expected of teachers’ professional practice at the... Learn More
EPSD - Education for Peace and Sustainable Development
Education for Peace and Sustainable Development Online Lesson Module (1) Introduction to Sustainable Development
UNESCO Myanmar, Sept 18, 2022This online course can be studied in 5 modules; (1) an introduction to sustainable development, (2) the importance of education for peace and sustainable development, (3) knowledge standards, (4) teac... Learn More
Education for Peace and Sustainable Development Online Lesson Module (2) Introduction to Education for Peace and Sustainable Development
UNESCO Myanmar, Sept 28, 2022This online course can be studied in 5 modules; (1) an introduction to sustainable development, (2) the importance of education for peace and sustainable development, (3) knowledge standards, (4) teac... Learn More
Education for Sustainable Development Teacher Guide Grade 4- Myanmar version
UNESCO Admin, Sept 05, 2022Education for Sustainable Development Teacher Guide Grade 4- Myanmar version Learn More
Building A culture of Peace Trainer Guide Myanmar version
UNESCO Admin, Jul 25, 2022Building A culture of Peace Trainer Guide Myanmar version Learn More
ICT - Information and Communications Technology
Online teaching and learning part (1), methods of communication among teachers and students
UNESCO Myanmar, Oct 18, 2022In order to make the best use of ICT in all subjects of the College of Education, a new teacher education curriculum has been developed Learn More
Online teaching and learning part (2), using a mobile application to create instructional videos
UNESCO Myanmar, Oct 28, 2022This module will focus on teaching students the skills needed to create digital learning materials online. As teachers, online/remote Learn More
ICT Student Teacher Textbook Year 1 Semester 1-English Version
UNESCO Myanmar, May 5, 2022The purpose of this course is to provide student teachers with basic knowledge of ICTrelated concepts and using ICT for teaching, learning and professional development and to prepare them to teach ICT... Learn More
MIL - Media and Information Literacy
Introduction to Media and Information Literacy
UNESCO Myanmar, Oct 15, 2022This course is designed to introduce learners to basic Media and Information Literacy concepts including the definitions, individual and societal rights, and MIL competencies Media and information li... Learn More
Media and Information Literacy (with focus on Digital Literacy)
UNESCO Myanmar, Oct 28, 2022This module will focus on teaching students the skills needed to create digital learning materials online. As teachers, online/remote Learn More
Media Literacy Activities
UNESCO Myanmar, May 5, 2022The purpose of this course is to provide student teachers with basic knowledge of ICTrelated concepts and using ICT for teaching, learning and professional development and to prepare them to teach ICT... Learn More
Five Components of Effective Oral Language
UNESCO Myanmar, Jul 26, 2022Oral Language is the child’s first, most important, and most frequently used structured medium of communication. It is the primary means through which each individual child will be enabled to structur... Learn More
CSE - Comprehensive Sexuality Education
HIV/AIDS and Sexuality Education Module (1) Healthy and Happy Life
UNESCO Myanmar, Oct 18, 2022Welcome to the CHIV AIDS Sexual and Reproductive Health online course. This online course is supported by funding from the United Budget Result and Accountability Framework, UNESCO Learn More
HIV/AIDS and Sexuality Education Module (2) Sexuality and Reproductive Health
UNESCO Myanmar, Oct 18, 2022Welcome to the CHIV AIDS Sexual and Reproductive Health online course. This online course is supported by funding from the United Budget Result and Accountability Framework, UNESCO Learn More
HIV/AIDS and Sexuality Education (Facilitator Guide)
UNESCO Myanmar, Jun 06, 2022This reference material is prepared for teacher educators and student teachers to do self-learning and also support for primary and middle level teaching life skills in school. It describes awareness... Learn More
About Us
The Myanmar Teacher Platform is a safe, secure and inclusive space for teachers, teacher educators, and student teachers who believe in the power of quality education to change lives. The platform consists of:
1. An E-learning platform offering free courses through synchronous and asynchronous learning, where learners also have the opportunity to interact with each other via discussion forums. Learners can also gain certificate on the completion of the selected courses.
2. An E-library containing over 200 electronic resources in various digital formats (E-books, videos, etc.). The E-library is integrated with the E-learning platform and thus helps learners to experience an organized and innovative mode of learning.
3. Blogs connected to the Myanmar Teacher Competency Standards Framework (MTCSF) and the Teachers in Crisis Contexts (TiCC) Training Pack and resources from across the MTP. The blog posts will be updated every week, providing you opportunities to help overcome challenges, gain insights into your professional development, and empower you to achieve your professional goals.
4. Groups in which you can discuss your opinions related to weekly-updated blog articles and exchange your views and experiences with your fellow teachers or even with experienced teachers. These groups also enable you to extend your professional network and promote peer learning.
Many of the resources on Myanmar Teacher Platform are customized to the context of the country, whilst ensuring adherence to international good practices. While the platform is primarily targeted at educators and learners in Myanmar, it will enable all users to continue with their education and/or continuing professional development.
Myanmar Teacher Platform is being implemented by UNESCO, with support from the Government of Finland. The initial version of the platform was funded by the Governments of Australia, Finland and the United Kingdom. UNESCO initiated efforts to enhance the functionality of the existing platform to allow for a better user-experience. Myanmar Teacher Platform now has a wider range of tools and capabilities better suited to the needs and context of users in Myanmar.
Contact UsFrequently Asked Questions
Is the MTP mobile app secure?
Yes. All critical information like password is encrypted in every transaction run through. No personal information is stored on your mobile device and
just stored the publicly published resource files if you enabled “Offline” mode and downloaded the files.
Is my phone/device supported to install the MTP mobile app?
MTP mobile app supports Android 5 and above, preferably Android above 8 to support all the features. For iOS, it also supports iOS 12.0 or later as well.
Can we run the MTP app in Windows or Windows store?
In Windows, you can use browser to access the MTP website or download as a Progressive Web Apps (PWA) once this option is available after turning on the “Offline” mode. However, kindly note that MTP app is not published in Windows store yet.
How is the performance of the app? Is it bugs free, ads free, free from crashing and freezing regardless of the android/ IOS version?
It is bugs free and free from crashing and freezing as well but needs at least Android 8 and iOS 12 and/or later versions. It’ll be ads free as MTP will always offer free courses and will not raise profits by embedding the related ads to the apps.
Why is there no profile picture in the registration and account section for iOS?
It has been considered by Apple that MTP was not a social networking app, so profile should not be requested from a user.
How strong the connectivity has to be? Does it work in 3G network well?
There are participants in the pilot testing from some areas where they can access 3G network most of the time and they could use the app though the loading was slow.
Can third party users collaborate on MTP? For example, https://sayarkyaung.com/ enable content creators to subscribe to the platform on the basis of subscription fees and serve as a medium for teaching and learning. Will MTP also accommodate such services?
Till now, only UNESCO staffs can create and collaborate the certified courses on MTP and some plans for the 3rd party users to collaborate in the future have been considered. As our priority is on the learners first, the mobile apps offers the features for the learners and the course owners/instructors can only apply the web version to create and publish courses. And, the scope will extend from time to time to offer a platform that fully supports both learners and teachers eventually.
Regarding the subscription fees and services, it’s possible to implement and accommodate them technically but MTP will be a free learning platform offering resources and courses with no cost.
What kind of content can I find in E-learning?
You can find the various courses in ICT, Education for Peace and Sustainable Development(EPSD), Media and Information Literacy (MIL) etc. Find all the available course categories via E-learning Categories
After updating the apps, I can’t view the videos properly. How should I fix?
We suggest you to delete the app and re-install it again.
What should I do if I get “Failed to load data” error?
Check the Internet connection. If there is an Internet connection, close the app and then re-open it.
How can I report the issues if I cannot fix them by following the instruction for the fixes in FAQ section?
Please use the “Contact Us” form (Home page >> Account tab >> Contact us) to submit the details about the issue and the admin will reply to your email.
How can we communicate with the responsible person from UNESCO if there is some technical issues on MTP?
In case of technical issues, please reach out to Contact us on Home page >> Account tab >> Contact us.
How do I access my account?
You can access the system right after verifying the OTP sent to your email address if you registration was successful and received the OTP.
If you already have an account with E-learning, you can access it by simply filling username and password in the login page.
There are six different roles to access E-learning; admin, manager, teacher – educator, teacher– student teacher, journalist and independent learner.
Depending on the defined accessible rights, uploading new courses and taking courses can be different.
Can I continue to use the account registered long time ago via the website?
Yes, you can. If you forget the password, click “Forgot Password” and then reset it. Please note that the email address should be a working email address and should be the same email used for registration.
Can other course takers view my profile and see my course progress/ taken?
Not really. Only a user, with course owner, course collaborator and admin role, can view these information and other course takers having the same roles (Independent Learner, etc.) cannot view the profile and progress information of a course taker.
If the course is removed or cancelled accidently, can the course be resumed?
If the course was cancelled or removed by course takers, they cannot be resumed,. It is required to take the course again and start from the beginning.
Can I repeat a course on MTP more than once? (Can I take the same course more than once?)
It is feasible to repeat a course more than once. Even if you completed the course and gained the certificate, you can repeat the course from the beginning.
How do I submit assignment using mobile phone? Which are the file types supported for an assignment?
You can prepare the content for an assignment in image (jpg, jpeg, png, gif), doc, pdf or video files using your mobile phone. After that, clicking “Choose File” button in an assignment section attached to a course and then, click “Submit”.
I finished all the lectures but cannot proceed to assessment. What should I do?
Please check the introduction section and click next so that it can be marked as completed.
Where can I find the downloaded certificate?
Under “Files” > “Downloads”.
Is there any teacher/ instructor who will evaluate the final assessment? How can we get feedback from the teachers/ instructors?
The final assessment will be evaluated automatically, and the course takers can know if they get a satisfactory score or not after submitting if the assessment questions are not long answer type. Depending on long answer type and configuration (requirement of feedback from the course owner), the assessment will be passed after getting the feedback and/or “pass” status from the course owner (teacher/instructor).
Is there any communication channel where course takers can interact with the course instructors/ tutors?
You can participate in the discussion session and the course instructors/ tutors may respond to your inquiries. There is also an interactive session with tutors in some courses. You can also chat with other course takers by using the discussion/chat feature under the course description or in the section where course takers are learning and completing a course.
How can I use the offline feature in mobile apps correctly? Is it similar to that of Facebook?
You can click “How Offline Feature Works” on the home page and learn the steps to follow to make the offline feature worked properly. No, it is different from the offline feature of FB and supports only the taken courses for now.
Is the mobile app’s offline feature different from that of the web version?
Yes, it is different. Offline feature applied in the web version does not support iOS devices. All the visited pages, either related to course or not, will be stored in the browser cache if we use the offline feature in web version. But, the offline feature in the mobile app only supports the taken courses. We cannot save the completion status of a user in web but can save the information in mobile apps and can be updated/synced with the server when reconnecting to the Internet.
What kind of content can I find in E-library?
You can find e-books, audio files, downloadable videos, PDF files, etc. Find all the available resources/resource formats via E-library
What do I do if I get an error
message while accessing resources?
It is advisable to try again later, as some error comes out due to the phone version or system error. If you keep getting an error message from E-library, please contact to admin via contact form.
How can I access E-library resources? Is it possible to download them so that I can learn them later/without having Internet connection?
There are over 170 resources which can be previewed and downloaded in E-library.
After visiting E-library section, you will find the list of available resources.
The resources can be filtered depending on Subject or Resource Formats and searchable by using the search form.
After clicking on the thumbnail or title of each resource, you will be redirected to the resource detail page where you can preview or download the attached resource files.