Terms And Conditions
The terms and conditions listed below apply to all registered users in Myanmar Teacher Platform which includes E-learning and E-library systems. It is strongly recommended that you have read and understood the terms and conditions in order to use the platform properly. If you have questions or concerns with the terms, please reach out to us via stemmyanmar@unesco.org. The term “Course” or "Online Course" includes all the courses and lectures, web pages and other related materials. And the term "User" refers to all of the registered users with different roles in the platform.
All online courses and materials, together with references used in the courses, are the property of the Myanmar Teacher Platform or the property of third parties and used with permission granted to UNESCO Myanmar. The materials are for the personal use of individuals registered in Myanmar Teacher Platform only and not allowed for commercial use.
Reference materials and links attached in the courses are provided by the course owners authorized with UNESCO Myanmar. Myanmar Teacher Platform does not assume responsibility or liability for the accuracy or completeness of content contained in reference materials or links. Also, it does not endorse any product, service or organization referenced.