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Pre-service Teacher Education Programme: Year 2 Semester 1 E-Learning Course for Teacher Educators

  Certified      40  hour(s)      181 enrollment(s)      12 lecture(s)      13 quizz(es)      4332 view(s)   
Pre-service Teacher Education Programme: Year 2 Semester 1 E-Learning Course for Teacher Educators
Course Description

Overview of the course

The course is organised into the following modules:

Course Objectives

By completing this course, teacher educators will be better equipped with the competencies to effectively deliver the Year 2 Semester 1 curriculum of the Pre-service Teacher Education Programme.

Learning Outcomes

By completing this course, teacher educators will be able to

  • demonstrate the understanding in pedagogical theory and content knowledge required to deliver the Education Degree College Year 2 Semester 1 subjects/learning areas. 
  • plan, prepare and deliver their Year 2 Semester 1 subject/learning area, applying various teaching strategies and assessment approaches to meet the needs of diverse learners.

Assessment and Certification

In order to get the certification, you need to finish all the course work, quizzes and final assessment.

Rating & Reviews (5 - Best, 1 - Worst)

Great course

By Zin********  at 2022-12-22 09:34:07

Good course!

By Phu*****  at 2022-12-22 10:20:50

Great Course

By Ei *****  at 2022-12-25 09:52:03

Really effective for teaching

By Aym*****  at 2023-02-17 18:37:32

By Mg **************  at 2023-04-01 19:04:43

program is great but system is quite poor

By Hsu**************  at 2023-06-29 20:57:37

modual 3

By Van**********  at 2023-10-26 13:55:56

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